The company’s wind power steel is exclusively supplied to the Datang Nan’ao Lemen I offshore wind po

May. 13, 2024

A batch of high-end wind power steel from Hegang Group Wugang Co., Ltd. was shipped to customers as scheduled and will be used exclusively for the Datang Nan'ao Lemen I offshore wind power expansion project.

In recent years, Wugang has continued to strengthen technological leadership and technological innovation, guided by the optimization of "two structures", focusing on the personalized needs of high-end customers, relying on product technology advantages, and accurately developing the national key new infrastructure and new energy project markets to promote sustainable development.

In February 2023, after learning about the information about the Datang Nan'ao Lemen I offshore wind power expansion project, Wugang Company promptly established an offshore wind power steel research team. The members include elite personnel from sales, technology, production, quality and other units, aiming to target The steel plates required for the project were faced with challenges such as heavy weight and production difficulties, which provided comprehensive support for the marketing system. The research team communicates with the design institute, construction unit and owner, conducts multiple rounds of discussions with the design institute and construction unit regarding production problems, and formulates a special production technology plan to speed up the delivery schedule and meet customer construction requirements needs, saving project construction costs and winning the recognition of customers. During the production process, Wugang carefully organized and fully promoted contract production, ensuring that high-quality orders were delivered to customers on schedule, providing strong support for project construction.

It is reported that this project is a key wind power project in Shantou City, Guangdong Province. Once completed, it will be of great significance to alleviate the shortage of coal resources in Guangdong Province, relieve the pressure of environmental protection, and promote green economic development. At the same time, after the completion of the project, the number of wind turbines in the wind farm tourist area can be increased, which will play a positive role in strengthening and revitalizing Shantou City's first wind power science popularization park in the country, strengthening the construction of wind power science popularization education base, and disseminating wind power subject knowledge.
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